Ghosheart's Art Corner

Hello there! My name is Ghosheart/Lovealot. Welcome to my Commission site!

Character Artist
As of late, I mostly do Toontown and characters of Toontown, but I'm always open to new medias and other characters. Feel free to DM me on Discord (link below) if you have any questions!
I also write for fun, this isn't something I do for commissions. if you want to read anything I've written, try here!COMMISSONS: OPEN

This is where all the Frequently Asked Questions go. If you are wondering about anything else, feel free to DM me on Discord.Q: Do you only draw Toontown?
A: Absolutely not. It may be a major influence of my art, but I can draw basically anything, within reason. Such as fursonas, MLP characters, and more.
Q: Do you draw NSFW?
A: No. Solid no. The only version I would do is gore/violence, and that costs extra. Read the Terms of Service for extra clarification.

My name is Brooke, more commonly known as Ghosheart/Lovealot, or any variation of all 3.
I'm 18-22 within age, and set in Colorado.
My art started a long while ago when I could hold a pencil, and only really got started through middle school. since then, i have been learning through mainly self-teaching methods, as well as some sprinkled in art classes every now and then. Multiple things inspired me, but mainly other artists throughout the years.I'm a big fan of multiple different medias, mainly Toontown, Disney, Minecraft, and others. My main inspiration currently is Toontown, both Rewritten and Corprorate Clash, where I play basically daily, as well as hope to become part of the team and help the game grow.As for art in general, I have multiple different characters I absolutely adore, and tend to draw most of their own art. I might be drawing art for others on a regular basis, especially if they are a good friend, I am interested in the character in question, or both.As for the way I draw, I start off with a gesture sketch, getting down the posing and background shapes. I then fully go in to the sketch, making sure that everything that I want is in the art. this means every single little detail I can fit in without making it unseeable. after that, its lineart time. this first type of lineart is "lazy lineart", only doing the bare minimum with my mouse. the "fancy" lineart is next, when i thin out and thicken certain lines to emulate a tablet drawn lineart. the next step is flat color, which is simple and only getting down the basic colors. after that, its purely details, anything from patterns to glasses, to anything transparent. this step also switches with the next one, backgrounds. my backrounds often have a fractal blurred out pattern to them, mainly as a way to kee my art from being stolen or recreated. no fractal pattern is the same, and it lends itself really well to any type of art. after that, its shading. this is really when the art comes to life in a sense. after all of that, it ends with a little detail work, as well as saving it as a .png and sending it out. thats the entire work process.

Terms Of Service-all commissions are done during a schedule. time must be given between requests to get the art done. please wait one (1) day to request an update. after the first update, wait five (5) hours minimum to request another.
-If you need a piece to be rushed or have a deadline that needs to be reached, an extra $5 must be paid in order to move it up in the list of priority. Please be specific with the deadline.
-all funds must be paid in advance. if you need to break it down, 2 payments are the maximum, one up front, and another after the inital sketch or lineart.
-no major changes after the lineart is done. this does not include color, patterns, or background.
-All funds must go through Paypal. if you cannot do Paypal, then no art. I am not being paid with exposure.
-If you break any of these terms, you will not be refunded your money. these are specific guidelines I follow as well. If any updates happen during the process, you will be contacted immediately, and I will keep you updated with whatever is happening.

This is the main commissions page. all the buttons lead to different types of art, as well as a full list down below listing all prices for all art and even some art not detailed in here.3$ for each extra character. This is a constant.If you would like to see more examples of my art, check out my Deviantart!

Small art: The smallest type of art I do, containing icons and emotesMedium art:The next tier, being character designs, full bodies, and more.
Big Art: The biggest art I do on a regular basis, including posters, scenes, and more.
Special art: This is the special, more detailed and time consuming art. it takes the most amount of work. Dreamcatchers, references, and more reside in here. Expect high prices.

This is the smaller type of art, being:
-Icons/Headshots ($6)
Head and shoulders of a character. can be used as a social media picture.
-Emotes ($4)
a simple emote, mainly for use on discord. All emotes will be sent to DMs for use in any server.
-Heartblobs ($4)
a little Heartblob emote. All emotes will be sent to DMs for use in any server.
-Logo ($7)
a simple logo for anything logo related.
All prices and more art is on the master sheet on the main commissions page.

This is the medium sized art.
-Full Body Flat ($10)
these are simple flats of any character, just lined and flat colored.
-Character Design ($9)
make me design a character.
-Character Redesign ($9)
make me redesign a character.
-Avemix Redesign ($7)
This plays into a creation of mine, and an Avemix is detailed in my Toyhouse for more info. Avemis Virus Toyhouse Link
All prices and more art is on the master sheet on the main commissions page.

This is the big art that I do
-Poster ($17)
this is a normal poster, print size coming up to normal poster size. best suited for single or double characters.
-Background ($19)
Simple backgrounds, no characters.
-Character Scene ($19)
a scene with a character or two, more characters cost 2$ more.
-Lineless ($25)
Lineless headshots or waist up shots, done with the line tool mainly in photoshop.
All prices and more art is on the master sheet on the main commissions page.

This is the more special art, the more specific and detailed. This also takes the longest, and is the most expensive.
-Dreamcatcher ($40)
the mainly asked for type of art, a character or more within a dreamcatcher. Original idea by Fuyus Fox, who takes full credit for original idea.
-Scene with one of my own OCs ($30)
Want a scene with the artist? then this is what you want! All scenes will be uploaded to Toyhouse.
-Reference Sheet ($30)
a simple reference sheet for a character. can be 1 of 3 ways. Details must be fleshed out through discord DMs.
-Gore Scene ($15-35)
the only NSFW art I do. this can be any type of death scene, bloody poster, or such.
-Animated icon ($50)
Have your characters brought to life!!! An absolute beginner with animation, so this is expensive and time consuming. Just blinking is $30 while blinking and a small addition of twitching or more is 50$. no exceptions.
All prices and more art is on the master sheet on the main commissions page.